3 Fun Facts About Exterior Lighting

Exterior lighting is a great way to highlight your property, creating beautiful reflections and shadows. Keep reading about facts about exterior lighting! In addition, there are many other uses of exterior lighting, including post lights and pathway lighting.

Post lights

Lighting your yard can be as easy as putting up a post or lantern. However, you should know a few things before installing your lights. The first is that your lighting fixture should be about a quarter of the height of the pole. For example, a 20-inch pole will require a 5-inch fixture. Also, ensure the width of your lamp post matches the bottom opening of your lantern. You can purchase post mounts from light fixture manufacturers, but you may have to ask for them. They may also be available at your local hardware store.

Decorative post lights can be a great way to add style to your exterior lighting Tampa. However, it would be best if you positioned them, so they create an inviting entryway.

Landscape Lighting

Land lighting has many benefits, from aesthetic and safety concerns to practical applications. However, there are a few common mistakes that homeowners need to avoid. Common problems include over-illumination and using too many bulbs. Also, homeowners must avoid using lights in the wrong places, which can cause light trespass. Another common problem is glare.

When choosing landscape lighting, look for fixtures that use less energy. LED landscape lights use a fraction of the power of their incandescent counterparts. Also, choose lights that are not too bright because too many can wash out your yard. If you place too many lights in your yard, they may cast blinding glares at your neighbors.

Landscape lighting can be a great addition to any home. It may raise the value of your property by 30% if the lighting is put correctly. In addition, it can help you to recover the cost of lighting design. Another benefit is that landscape lighting is a hassle-free investment that improves the look of your property.

Pathway lighting

Pathway lighting provides a variety of benefits. Not only does it make the area more visually appealing, but it also enhances safety. When a path is dark, people can’t see where they are going.

Additionally, it can reduce the chance of a mugging or other crime. Finally, residents will feel more secure while walking or bicycling by providing a lit path.

Pathway lighting can be placed around water areas for safety purposes. Children can see the dangers by placing path lighting near the water and be more aware of their surroundings. It can also help parents keep an eye on their children. Regardless of whether you’re using path lighting, make sure to follow proper spacing guidelines.

When choosing your path lighting, look at its wattage rating. The wattage of a transformer will determine how many lights you can use. For example, a 60-watt bulb will provide 800 lumens of light. Also, ensure your outdoor receptacle is ready to accommodate the transformer plug.