Factors that Determine the Cost of Bathroom Remodeling in Lakewood CO

Remodeling a bathroom is one of the most expensive projects you can take on in your home. However, it can also be one of the most valuable and useful for increasing your quality of life as well as resale value when you decide to sell it. Then again, with all that investment going into this project, you want to make sure that you get the best results possible so it’s important to understand which factors determine how much it will cost in Lakewood CO

So what exactly determines how much bathroom remodel in Lakewood CO will cost you? There are several factors that affect price including the following:

Size Matters

Size matters when it comes to bathroom remodeling. There are some basic guidelines that can help you determine how much you’ll spend on your project. If your bathroom is small, approximately 100 square, then the overall cost of bathroom remodel in Lakewood co will be less. If your bathroom is larger and has more space, it’s going to cost more money per square foot.

Quality of Materials

Quality of materials can make a big difference in price. This is because high-quality products will last longer and need less maintenance, which means they save you money in the long run. In addition to saving money on repairs, using high-quality materials can also make your bathroom look more expensive than it actually is. For instance, if you use cheap tiles that scratch easily or leak water every time your sink faucet leaks, then you’ll have to replace them sooner than later, and pay for new ones. On the other hand, if you use tiles with a good finish that are resistant to damage and water stains then they will stay looking great for years without needing any repair work done on them at all.

Plumbing and Electrical

Plumbing and electrical are the two most expensive parts of a bathroom remodel in Lakewood co. They’re also often the most complicated part, especially when you consider that plumbing, in particular, requires such precise measurements. Not only that but if something goes wrong after your contractor has left the job site, or even during installation, it could cost you more money to fix it than you originally planned on spending on your remodel. For example, say there was an issue with one of your shower tiles or tiles were not installed correctly; both these problems can lead to costly repairs down the line since they may cause leaks and mold growth as well as water damage to your walls and flooring.

Bathroom remodels can be pricey but you have control over some of the factors that determine the cost

The two main factors that determine the cost of a bathroom remodel in Lakewood co are the size of your bathroom, and the quality and material you choose. The larger your bathroom is, the more expensive it will be to remodel. This is because there is more space to fill with materials and fixtures.

As for material choices, whether you want to use granite or marble counters, or prefer tile floors over hardwood. These decisions will also affect your budget. You can also make small choices that have a big impact on price: changing out faucets can mean thousands of dollars in savings; upgrading from cheap vinyl flooring to luxury tile might save hundreds; installing heated towel racks instead of regular ones could mean several hundred dollars saved or lost.

The other main factor affecting overall cost is plumbing and electrical work needed before construction begins. If there is no existing wall separating two rooms into one large space before remodeling begins, extra plumbing needs may need to be added first before any other construction takes place. This adds time and money onto what was already planned for demolition costs alone. If this sounds like something familiar, then consider adding an extra few thousand dollars into account so that no surprises happen later down the road.


The cost of bathroom remodeling in Lakewood co can be daunting, but the above information will give you a good idea about what you can expect to pay for your bathroom project. We hope that this post has helped you determine how much your bathroom remodel is going to cost and some of the factors that go into determining this price. If you’re ready to get started, contact us today.