How do I Know if My Windows are Damaged

Taking good care of windows can improve the aesthetic appeal and pave the way for enough sunlight for your home. Your windows experience wear and tear because of severe weather conditions throughout the year. The common damages include cracked frames, glass, and sometimes even mold growth.

All these damages might decrease the energy efficiency of your home along with bringing unnecessary dirt and moisture with them. When the energy efficiency of the house comes down, it gives rise to high energy bills.

However, there is no rocket science behind in identifying these common signs that indicate it is time to look for window replacement.

Few Signs Indicating Damage of Windows

Check every window from outside and inside –

You need to check every window carefully, from inside and outside, to see any damaging signs. Most of the common signs include rusting, cracks, stains, and discoloration. Moreover, you should also check the entire frame and the glass of the windows. Furthermore, check the walls, ceilings, sills, and floors around the window area to see for any other damages. If you find any of these signs, replace them immediately by consulting window experts in your locality.

Opening and Closing difficulties –

Sometimes it becomes great difficult to open and close the windows. The reason for this is because of dirt, debris, or accumulation of sand in between the tracks is causing this difficulty. Moreover, the bearings of the windows might become rough because of wear and tear by using it throughout the year. Check the windows sash to find out the real cause of the problem.

Check the latches and locks –

Latches and locks improve the security of the windows, along with preventing invaders to break into your house. You need to check them so that you won’t increase the chances of stealing from your house. For this purpose, twist these important parts of your windows often. However, if you find difficulty in operating them immediately, replace them with the window replacement option.

Check for Moisture Invasion –

Moisture invasion of windows is a common problem for every homeowner. Moisture invasion can cause severe damages such as warping of wooden frames, rotting, or water leakage from your windows. This is why it is extremely important to check for discoloration, warping, water stains in your windows. If you discover any of these signs, try to repair them or replace them.

Inspect caulking and weather-stripping –

Inspect the caulking and weatherstrip of your windows. Having a tight weatherstrip and caulking can help to improve the energy efficiency of your house. You need to inspect the entire window area to find any parts that are torn or ripped around the windows. You can even think of a window replacement option if these parts are broken or twisted.