How to maintain hardwood floors

Hardwood floors will last for over 100 years when properly maintained, and what’s fascinating is that it doesn’t require a hectic routine to clean. The low maintenance of hardwood floors makes it an attractive option, hence the popularity of hardwood flooring in Peterborough. However, you need the right tools and techniques to properly maintain hardwood floors. Using harsh detergents or unprotected furniture legs will damage your hardwood.

The following are top tips for maintaining and cleaning wooden floors.

1. Use the right cleaning agents

Different hardwood finishing requires different cleaning agents. Using the wrong one may weaken your floor. Notwithstanding, it’s a general rule of thumb to avoid harsh cleaning agents on your floor. Instead, use the most appropriate cleaning agent by reading the product instructions.

2. Keep the floor dry

To avoid swelling, use a dry mop or cloth to clean spills on your floor. Always keep your hardwood floor dry by cleaning spills immediately to avoid damage to the wood. Also, keep the humidity level in your home low. Humidity in the air can also cause wood to shrink and gap. Use the right cleaning agents with dry clothes.

3. Use furniture pads

Furniture legs can cause scratches that are hard to remove on your hardwood floors. The best way to avoid scratches is by protecting your floor from sharp objects, like furniture legs. Use furniture pads on all your chairs, tables, sofas, desk, etc. However, if your floor suffers a scratch, remove it by using a stain marker.

4. Sweep and dust

Experts recommend that hardwood floors be swept daily to avoid dust and debris from scratching your hardwood and entering between floorboards. While a broom may be effective in removing dirt and debris, it doesn’t do the job effectively. If you’re keen on removing allergens and dust, then use a microfiber. Sweeping and dusting daily might seem exorbitant but it’s important for keeping good hygiene and to extend the lifespan of your hardwood floor.

5. Vacuum regularly

Debris and dirt on your floor can cause damage to your floor. While sweeping helps to remove dirt, little insignificant leftover debris can still cause significant damage. To make sure there is no trace of dirt on your hardwood, experts recommend that you vacuum at least, once a week.

Follow the above tips to maintain your hardwood floor to extend its lifespan and keep it in good condition.