Ridding Your Home Of Rodents Without The Chemicals

Rodents are a nuisance and while it is difficult to control them, there are ways to keep them out of your home. The following article will discuss how to get rid of rodents naturally, so if you want to have a more comfortable place than the one that’s crawling with these rodents, then read on.

Learn To Identify Signs Of Rodents

You’ve got to know the signs of rodents first before trying to get rid of them. One sign is that rodents gnaw on wood, plastic or anything they can chew. They leave behind tiny holes in the surface that they gnaw on. Other signs are little pellets and droppings. Droppings look like small grains, while pellets look like rolled up grains with a tapered tip. Another indicator of rodents is holes in the floor boards and wooden structures. If you see any of these signs, then you’ve probably got a rodent problem going on.

Find Out What Attracts Rodents

Rodents love honey, fruits, water, seeds, nuts and anything that’s edible. They will not stop at the food they found unless you eliminate it from their reach.

Rodents can squeeze into narrow crevices that you don’t see, so if rodents are a problem in your house, then get rid of food and water sources especially those located on the floor. If you want to control rodents without using chemicals, then avoid leaving pet food overnight. Make sure that you store food in tightly sealed containers as well. Also, do not leave pet foods within reach of cats and small dogs since these pets also like to eat away at them. If you have a pet water dispenser, then make sure that it is cleaned every day.

Get Rid Of Hiding Places For Rodents

Rodents need good hiding places to feed, live and reproduce. If possible, remove all the clutter as these provide good hiding places for rodents. If you have any gaps in the floorboards and walls, then fill them up. Rodents will also use softwood to build their nests. They will also hide in woodpiles or junk piles. If possible, get rid of these too to control the number of rodents roaming your house.

Using Natural Repellents To Get Rid Of Rodents

You can learn how to get rid of mice without using poisons by using natural repellents. Certain plants repel rodents and it’s known that some repellents are more effective than others. Some of the most effective repellents include garlic, catnip and cinnamon. If you want to try them out, then try mixing a few drops of these three substances in water for 50ml and then douse rodent holes. You should do this every three to four days until you see results or at least for two or three weeks.

Contact A Professional

If you are having trouble controlling rodents in your house, then don’t hesitate to consult a professional like North Fulton Pest Solutions. These professionals know more about controlling rats and mice than you do. They can also suggest other things that you can do to control these pests.