The Best Ways for Eco-Friendly Cleaning in Your Home

Keeping a clean home is imperative for well-being. Hygiene has become incredibly crucial in the last year, and now you can even have a clean home without harming the planet. Environmentally friendly cleaning methods are all around us, and they do not require a lot of trouble or hassle. You may have gotten used to hiring a professional home cleaning service, but tackling household cleaning tasks can be done easily without professional help. You can easily practice sustainable house cleaning on a regular basis. Today, we’ll present you with eco-friendly cleaning hacks that will allow you to facilitate your cleaning goals and reduce toxic waste at the same time.

Eco-friendly cleaning with vinegar, soap and water

Have you been using vinegar only for seasoning purposes? Well, now you can do the cleaning with this fantastic solvent too. A vinegar spray will help you with everyday cleaning around the house. From kitchen counters to stoves, vinegar will do wonders. On top of that, it will leave a nice sheen. Mixed soap and water make another great team that combats dirt. If you have stuck food laying around, simply wet the area with hot, soapy water and spray it with baking soda. Use a damp towel to cover it and let it stay for thirty minutes. Wipe with a damp cloth afterwards.

Bring back the old shine to the oven

The oven is often the most challenging part to clean. Somehow it never looks clean no matter how much scrubbing you do. However, with an eco-friendly cleaning solution, you’ll bring back the old shine to the oven easily enough. All you need to do is keep moistening the oven surface with a sponge and water. Mix half a cup of baking soda with half a cup of salt, and half a cup of water. Once you’ve created a thick paste, spread it around the inside of the oven, but be sure not to put any on the bare metal and vents. Let it inside throughout the night. Use a spoon to remove it, and then wipe it clean. If you encounter any stubborn stains, use fine steel wool to rub the stains gently.

Get rid of grimy cabinet doors

Did you know that coconut oil and baking soda can turn your grimy cabinet doors into a shiny piece of furniture in one quick cleaning hack? You’ll need 1 part of coconut oil and 2 parts of baking soda to create a cleaning paste. Rub the paste with a soft cloth to get rid of all the grime build-up on handles and pulls. Use water to wipe everything clean once the paste does its magic.

Eco-friendly cleaning for windows

If you’re fresh out of window cleaning ideas, we can help you learn how to clean windows without endangering our lovely planet. First, you can start by outing the newspaper to good use and wipe the windows clean with old newspaper rather than paper towels. Instead of using a window cleaning spray, make your own. You’ll need a quarter of warm water and two teaspoons of white vinegar. Mix the solution in a spray bottle and wash the windows using damaged paper or cotton cloth, afterwards. Don’t go overboard with vinegar solution but mix exactly as much as we instructed. Too much vinegar can etch the glass and contribute to its cloudiness.

Clean the carpets with a homemade solvent

Whether it’s a red wine stain or your pet made a little accident, carpets can be terrible to clean to their brand-new condition. However, thanks to eco-friendly cleaning hacks, you can have spotless carpets again. Get a spray bottle and mix equal parts of white vinegar and water. Sprinkle the solution directly on the stain, and let it stay for a few minutes. Once the solution has done the tricks, use a brush or sponge to clean it with warm soapy water. If you’re worried about grease stains, sprinkle corn starch on the stain. After 15-30 minutes you can vacuum. For more stubborn and demanding stains, use a mixture of 1/4 cup of salt, borax, and vinegar. Apply the mixture to the carpet and remove it after a few hours.

Make your copper shine again

Have you been having trouble keeping your copper shiny? With this eco-friendly cleaning tip, you won’t anymore. Boil water with 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 cup of white vinegar in a saucepan. Grab a cotton cloth and soak it in a saucepan. Place it on the copper while it is still hot. Once it cools off, wipe it clean. If you have to deal with tough stains, spray baking soda or lemon juice on a soft cloth, then wipe it off. Copper cookware can also easily lose its sheen, in which case salt sprinkled on a piece of lemon will do wonders. Just rub it on the cookware and watch it become brightly shiny again. Another trick includes putting a little ketchup on a soft cloth and scrub the stained spots.

Easy cleaning for stainless steel

For easy eco-friendly cleaning of your stainless-steel items, you’ll need a cloth, a little vinegar, baking soda, water, and olive oil. Use a dampened cloth that you’ve dipped in undiluted white vinegar or olive oil. To clean the cookware, mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 litre of water. Use a soft cloth to apply the mixture to the cookware. You’ll need a clean cloth to dry the cookware afterwards. If you need to clean stainless steel sinks, pour baking soda on an absorbent cloth. Rinse the sinks and scrub them with a clean rag.

Lemon juice for spottles eco-friendly cleaning

Lemon can do much more than help you clean copper. If you want an efficient wood floor polish solution that promotes eco-friendly cleaning in the process, lemon is the one. Mix a 1/2 cup of lemon juice with 1 cup of olive oil. Not only will you clean the floors flawlessly, but give them a wonderful shine too. Need to eliminate stains from furniture, kitchen tables, and carpets. Undiluted lemon juice will be a lifesaver in those situations.

Cast iron cleaning hacks

Soap and water can strip spices off of cast iron pans, so you be sure to only bring them in contact with the pans for a short period. Clean the cast iron with regular hot water and a sponge once you’re done using it. In case you have to deal with sticky food, make a paste of coarse salt and water. Dry it well with a clean towel and cover it with a layer of oil.

Final thoughts

Cleaning the house can be daunting at times. Not to mention very stressful if you can’t find eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Fortunately, with a full spectrum of hacks we’ve provided, you’ll never have to use harsh chemicals in order to keep your home spotless. Rely on natural ingredients and make your home shine bright like a diamond. All you’ll need is water, lemon, baking soda, vinegar and olive oil at times. Don’t forget that ketchup is perfect for copper items and that you can go green by reusing old newspaper for cleaning the windows. Your home and the planet will be grateful you’re taking such good care of them.