The Smarter Kitchen: Kitchen Counter Study Station Ideas

Since the coronavirus pandemic, many children and teens worldwide opt to attend school from home through online platforms for more than a year now. According to some experts, this setup might continue until herd immunity is achieved globally. For most parents, online homeschooling became an additional part of their parenting aside from preparing meals for their children. With that, the kitchen became an ideal place for children to study while having snacks on the side.

If you happened to look around your kitchen and figured that it is a good idea to add a learning space in that area, here are some ideas on making subtle and not-so-expensive changes in your kitchen.

Build a Custom Study Station

According to kitchen remodeling in Lake forest, most kids do not need an extensive study station to be built in the kitchen. Should there be any unused corner in the kitchen, it can be a great spot to place the learning area. Just place a desk that blends well with the theme of your kitchen. You can also customize the desk with the same materials used for your countertop for cohesiveness and kitchen functionality when learning is over; it functions for food prep purposes.

Think Vertical than Horizontal

Who says study areas for your kids need to be wide? It doesn’t have to. Some kitchen cabinets in Orange are narrow spaces with plenty of areas above where shelves can hold school supplies, and books also work well.  A closet or pantry-type space that you use once in a blue moon can be converted to that.

Consider Extending the Countertops

If you have available or extra space, extending your kitchen countertop by adding a small desk at the end of it. This idea serves excellent functionality, especially for parents who prepare food and children who need parental supervision in studying.

Check out this infographic to get more smart kitchen ideas.

The Smarter Kitchen: Kitchen Counter Study Station Ideas