Tips to ensure your carpet is appealing and guest-ready at all times

As the holiday seasons arrive, you must be wondering that it is time to get the carpets cleaned before the guests finally arrive. Even if your carpet looks appealing and clean enough, you still would want to take precautionary measures should anyone end up spilling food or wine on it. Whatever the case is, you need to get your carpet cleaned and maintained by trained cleaners on regular basis. 

Below we have mentioned a few tips that you should follow to keep your carpets looking clean and tidy, at all times:

  • Daily care 

One of the best ways to enhance the life of your carpet and to keep it clean is to ensure that you do not walk with shoes over it. Remove your shoes whenever you get home. Remember to also not walk barefoot on the carpet. Your foot emits natural oil which tends to pull in the dirt like a magnet. This is why it is best to wear socks or slippers at home. 

Ensure that you vacuum it every single day. This way dust or even a tiny bit of grime will get removed from the surface of the carpet at the earliest. Ensure that your vacuum has HEPA filters. You should get them changed every six months duration. Try to not blow the dust out pollutants back into the air. For utmost effectiveness, do change the vacuum bag when you notice that it’s half full. 

  • Don’t skip professional carpet cleaning

Only professional carpet cleaners like Carpet Nurse will provide you with deep cleaning, which is not possible through vacuuming at home alone. If not four try to get your carpet cleaned at least three times a year. There are stains, mold, and bacteria that you will not be able to see or clean by yourself. When you hire professionals to clean your carpet, they apply deep extraction techniques which is one of the most effective ways to clean carpet.