Treat the Air Conditioning Noise and get rid of them

Air conditioners are like a blessing to mankind, especially in summers. If you stay in a place that experiences extremely hot summers like Singapore, you would understand the importance of a well-functioning air conditioner. Once you step into the house filled with cool air, all the exhaustion of the day-long work and travelling in hot sunlight vanishes.

What happens if the air conditioner becomes the anathema to your peaceful rest? Sounds strange yet it is possible. Oftentimes, air conditioners start making strange noises that get loud with time and become the source of annoyance. The only solution remains to switch off the air conditioner and bear the hot temperatures.

The solution to this issue is with they offer the best quality and cheap aircon services SingaporeThey are famous for their work ethics and timely work. Once you hire their services, rest assured, all your problems related to the air conditioner will vanish. Their experienced team is trained in all kinds of air condition issues.

Strange noises from the Air conditioner

The air conditioner making noises is not a good sign. It can potentially mean a breakdown of the complete unit.

Here are some of the solutions according to the problem that you face:

Whistling noises– if your air conditioning unit whistles,

Here are the possible solutions:

1- The ducts- If any or all of the parts of your HVAC are replaced or updates, then chances are that the ventilation is not working properly with them. It is possible that the size of the duct might not be the one that is required and hence the trouble.

2- Clogged filters- The air filters catch the dust and dirt particles from the air but when they reach the threshold, they get clogged and thus impede the way for air to pass. This hindrance in the airflow may be the source of the whistling noise.

3- Damages ductwork- If the ventilation pipes are old, then chances are that they have developed cracks and leaks which provide an escape to the air and hence the whistling noise. Change in the air pressure can be attributed to the reason for the noises from the air conditioner.

Loud air conditioner- Oftentimes, we ignore the quality of the air conditioner and fall into buying a cheap and sub-standard air conditioner. This is where the problem starts to start. Cheap air conditioners are not made with a noise reduction feature and thus they generate noises that are the sources of irritation to the user.

Another reason can be purchasing a large air conditioner which is much larger than your requirement. This reads to the recurrent on and off of the air conditioner unit which causes damage to the unit which might start making noises.


Noises from the air conditioner are highly undesirable. The only way to experience a good night’s sleep is to have a silent air conditioner that makes no noise and lets you be at peace. You can connect with on PinterestTwitter and Facebook to get regular tips and the best quality services of an air conditioner.