When Should You Not Mow Your Lawn?

It’s that time of year again! The lawn is starting to grow, and you’re ready to get out the mower and start trimming. But wait, before you do anything else – is it even worth getting out there? What if we told you there are sometimes ‘when not mowing your lawn can be beneficial? Read on for a list of things to consider before heading outside with an engine-driven blade in tow.

1. When it’s too dry

You should not mow the lawn on a very dry day because this can be dangerous for your lawn and its real grass blades and grass plants. Also, if you get too much hot sun with no water source insight, then you may lose most of your grass plant life instead of cutting it neatly like you wanted to do.

2. When it’s too wet

You should not mow the lawn when there is still dew, or if you think there will be dew in the morning, don’t mow your lawn as you may rot and kill some grass plant life because of the water weight on top of it.

3. When the lawn is too tall

When mowing your lawn and it gets to be over 2 inches in height, then wait before you do a mow session as this will not cut the grass evenly with a “clean” look that most people want when taking care of their yards. So rather than the “clean” look, you will get a “messy cut” look.

4.When it is too late in the year and temperatures are dropping

If you wait too long into the fall season, then mowing your lawn can create an uneven appearance as well as even killing some of your grass plant life. This can be harmful to your lawn due to the amount of cold weather and snow that may hit on top of it.

5.When it’s too hot

If you mow a too hot lawn, you will begin to melt some grass plant life instead of cutting it neatly.

6.When a lawn is hit hard by a storm

If you do not let your lawn rest after a storm has hit it, then this will affect the health of the grass plant life, and you may begin to see brown splotches on your grass that might kill (or start killing) some grass plant life.

7. When your lawn is only a couple of weeks old

If you mow a lawn that is only two weeks old, this will not be good for the grass plant life as you may start to see brown splotches and damage due to “new” stress being placed on it.

8. When your mower blades are dull

This is advice given by a Lawn Mowing Service in Alpharetta. If you mow your lawn with dull blades, then this will not cut the grass as evenly or “cleanly” as it was intended to be cut and may cause an uneven look to what is supposed to be a perfectly mowed yard.

After reading the above points, you probably can now understand Why to Outsource a Lawn Service. They are professionals who know what is best for your lawn.