Your easy guide for choosing kitchen countertops!

Easily among the most functional areas of the house, your kitchen definitely deserves more attention. If you are creating a new home kitchen or upgrading the existing one, there are a few basic aspects of to consider. One of the key considerations is the choice of countertops. Kitchen counters are work spaces, and therefore, functionality is extremely important. The right remodeling service can help in selecting countertops. If you are in Montreal, check for Cuisines Rosemere comptoir cuisine and talk to their designers for in-depth customized solutions. In this post, we are sharing more on what it takes to select kitchen countertops. 

  1. Material. Among the primary considerations is the choice of material for kitchen countertops. Granite, marble, quartz, limestone – There are a wide range of options, and each one has a few pros and cons. Natural stones are heavy, so the base underneath the counters has to be strong enough to withstand the weight, but marble or granite are durable choices with limited maintenance needs. 
  2. Maintenance. Before you consider kitchen countertop options, make sure that you consider maintenance as a primary factor. Some stones, such as marble, are porous, so you have to focus on avoiding staining. Ensure that you don’t have to spend huge on maintenance on a regular basis. 
  3. Durability. It is also as important to consider durability as a key factor for selecting kitchen countertops. For instance, granite and quartz are more likely to last a couple of decades than other synthetic materials. Natural stones usually fare better in this category. 
  4. Think of layout. The choice of kitchen countertops also depends on the space and layout you have. Ensure that you have enough counter space to do the regular chores of the kitchen, and if you want a kitchen island, think if you want to match it with other kitchen countertops or just go the contrast way. 
  5. Set a budget. Finally, do set a budget aside for your countertops. Natural stones and options like granite are likely to cost a tad more, but keep durability in mind when making a choice. More softer stones such as limestone or soapstone may come cheaper, but maintenance and even replacement could be a concern. 

Check for reliable kitchen countertop dealers near you and talk to them in depth as how you expect to use the counters, so that can suggest the right options, keeping budget and space in consideration.